Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Morlan 4 in Denver

Update on the Morlan 4 in Denver....
Dave- 31 years student....pastor at fellowshipdenver ( tired....great dad.....trying to take up running.....falling in love with the rockies (team and mountains)....under the umbrella is his getting a great occasionally absent minded.....has a strange nickname.....rides his bike to work......
Renee-32 years old.......loves her three boys......loves her new job at the children's starting to feel at home in Denver.....likes to run on cold nights in denver down 7th avenue......loves thai food......has a new convection oven and doesn't know what that means......enjoys the cherry creek trail alone with her i-pod......
Will-3 1/2 years old......lives up to his name well as he has a strong obsessed with the toy section at infatuated with a girl name Kalena......makes his mother scream and melt in the span of 10 minutes......loves destruction and making messes......approaches life with great enthusiasm.......uses SAT words........has big blue eyes......loves a dog named Henry......
Ian- 11 months old......keeps us laughing.......says dog dog, dadada, mama, night-night, and tata.........likes to salute like Hitler......likes to climb stairs.........doesn't like being left in the church nursery.......has one of the sweetest faces i've ever seen......loves his big brother......will eat anything including tofu........has six systematically chewing down his bed rail......


Allison Kaye said...

You forgot to put Loves their aunt roro on there.

Fairfield Family said...

You guys should be on the cover of the Denver Times. Amazing picture of you guys.