most of life lessons teach us to plan ahead, the early bird gets the worm, and last minute decisions often produce undesirable results. however, there are times in our lives when the stars align and things fall into place despite us. last sunday was one of those nights.
a few weeks earlier, i was talking with a friend and we were lamenting how we desperately needed consecutive hours away from our pint sized energizer bunnies to spend quality time with good friends. wouldn't it be great if we could get dressed up, attend a festive christmas production, and laugh the night away over coffee. the next day i stumbled upon a plastic banner draped on an old wrought iron fence advertising a single production of handel's messiah at the old gothic episcopal cathedral on 14th and washington. i called to inquire of ticket availability and was greeted with a pre-recorded message announcing the sold out status of the production. the message concluded with a conciliatory statement offering a 'standing room only option' for those who show up on the day of the performance. any option to socially desperate moms sounded fantastic. within the day plans were made, restaurant reservations procured, and new dresses purchased for our evening out, despite the vague and uncertain ticket availability.
dinner at steuben's was full of fantastic food, loud laughing, festive drinks, and much needed diaperless conversation. after dinner we made our way to the cathedral to scrounge for standing room only tickets to find that a few other people had the same idea. we were group #21 to vie for a square of stone on which to stand. the start time of the production came and went with a few patrons ushered into the cathedral. i glanced at my watch and waited to hear the all too familiar orchestra introduction of the timeless classic. disappointment began to creep into that pit portion of my stomach when i noticed a spunky little minister in a flowing purple robe muttering, "good things come to those who wait." within three minutes we were ushered into a lone folding chair row added IN FRONT of the first wooden pew at the last minute to accommodate the overwhelming demand. others who bought their tickets in early october squirmed to see from the 64th row, and we were perched wide eyed as the closest people to the orchestra and chorale:)
st. john's cathedral orchestra and choir performed a robust and stirring rendition of the christmas classic. my tears flowed as the hallelujah chorus reverberated through the ancient gothic cathedral. through george frideric handel, i was reminded anew of the richness of old testament prophecies. through the caramel smooth voice of an alto, i was deeply stirred and strangely comforted by isaiah 40:11, "he shall feed his flock like a shepherd, and he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young." my heart was also reminded by isaiah that the coming one is to be the prince of peace, a salve i desperately needed in this turbulent and unpredictable world.
thank you michelle, kimiko, carolina, and mary for friendship and an evening of connecting, and thank you handel for soul nourishing piece and an ancient visceral reminder of my king of kings, lord of lords, and prince of peace.
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