Thursday, December 20, 2007

Uncharacteristically Will

most of you know my oldest son will.  many of you in denver know him as the donut eating flash that darts uncontrollably around the colorado history museum every sunday morning.  others know him as the talkative and energetic force that leaves smiles and destruction wherever he treads.  will lives loud.  he loves destruction, trucks, swords, and participating in any activity that will leave substantial mess.  we have been told no less than a hundred times that will is "all boy."  

it is because this masculine dna map so engulfs will's entire being that the following picture caused us quite a belly laugh.  it seems as if will is starting to develop his creative and sensitive side a bit more (and possibly his romantic side as well:) 

Sunday, December 16, 2007

goods things come to those who.........procrastinate??

most of life lessons teach us to plan ahead, the early bird gets the worm, and last minute decisions often produce undesirable results.  however, there are times in our lives when the stars align and things fall into place despite us.  last sunday was one of those nights.  
a few weeks earlier, i was talking with a friend and we were lamenting how we desperately needed consecutive hours away from our pint sized energizer bunnies to spend quality time with good friends.  wouldn't it be great if we could get dressed up, attend a festive christmas production, and laugh the night away over coffee.  the next day i stumbled upon a plastic banner draped on an old wrought iron fence advertising a single production of handel's messiah at the old gothic episcopal cathedral on 14th and washington.  i called to inquire of ticket availability and was greeted with a pre-recorded message announcing the sold out status of the production.  the message concluded with a conciliatory statement offering a 'standing room only option' for those who show up on the day of the performance.  any option to socially desperate moms sounded fantastic.   within the day plans were made, restaurant reservations procured, and new dresses purchased for our evening out, despite the vague and uncertain ticket availability.  
dinner at steuben's was full of fantastic food, loud laughing, festive drinks, and much needed diaperless conversation.  after dinner we made our way to the cathedral to scrounge for standing room only tickets to find that a few other people had the same idea.  we were group #21 to vie for a square of stone on which to stand.  the start time of the production came and went with a few patrons ushered into the cathedral.  i glanced at my watch and waited to hear the all too familiar orchestra introduction of the timeless classic.  disappointment began to creep into that pit portion of my stomach when i noticed a spunky little minister in a flowing purple robe muttering, "good things come to those who wait."  within three minutes we were ushered into a lone folding chair row added IN FRONT of the first wooden pew at the last minute to accommodate the overwhelming demand.  others who bought their tickets in early october squirmed to see from the 64th row, and we were perched wide eyed as the closest people to the orchestra and chorale:)
st. john's cathedral orchestra and choir performed a robust and stirring rendition of the christmas classic.  my tears flowed as the hallelujah chorus reverberated through the ancient gothic cathedral.  through george frideric handel, i was reminded anew of the richness of old testament prophecies.  through the caramel smooth voice of an alto, i was deeply stirred and strangely comforted by isaiah 40:11, "he shall feed his flock like a shepherd, and he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young."  my heart was also reminded by isaiah that the coming one is to be the prince of peace, a salve i desperately needed in this turbulent and unpredictable world.  
thank you michelle, kimiko, carolina, and mary for friendship and an evening of connecting, and thank you handel for soul nourishing piece and an ancient visceral reminder of my king of kings, lord of lords, and prince of peace.  

Saturday, December 8, 2007

mice, croup, and other catchables (or uncatchables)

week in review..........

it seems as if we have a mouse ahhhhemmm...mice.....which we are having quite a difficult time catching.  after a standoff with my brother on the back staircase in which the cornered mouse went kamikaze through his legs off of step number five, we decided to get serious about eradication.  to further taunt us, two of the mice were playing hide and seek in our kitchen during our fellowship group wednesday night.  this is no longer simply a nuisance but a war.  after attempts with the snap traps, electric box zap trap, and live animal traps, we've mounted a military type campaign with 16 rat sized sticky glue traps.  my apologies to the denverite animal lovers who are reconsidering our friendship.  this is our only remaining option.  tonight is d-night as we will line and encircle every possible mouse path with overwhelming force.  the allies will prevail and tonight is the night.   we'll keep you posted.

also, it seems as if our week isn't quite full or fully actualized unless we have at least one trip to the emergency room in the middle of the night.  around midnight on thursday, we heard the sound.  the dreaded seal like bark cough coming from our chunky 11 month old, reverberated through our house like a clanging gong.  dave and i looked at each other with the "we can either sit holding ian in the bathroom in a steamy shower all night or go to the er and get the coveted steroids."  with that glance our week was actualized and rocky mountain health plans are a bit richer.  ian is fine (but i think his voice is a little deeper).

the boys and i made two fabulous entertainment discoveries this week.  the denver zoo is fabulous in the winter.  there are few people, many animals out, and the warm winter sun shining on your face in the brisk denver winter weather.  will, kimiko, kalena, and i had peaceful morning.  the other is a goofy indoor playground called monkey bizness.  what could be better than an enclosed, padded, full contact required indoor playground for active boys?will and ian both took LONG afternoon naps on tuesday:)

i've posted a few more of our family pictures from our recent (mid september) family photo shoot with the fabulous bryce boyer.  i''m having a difficult time uploading the pictures. stay tuned as i try to get them uploaded.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Taming Wild Felines

it is strangely appropriate that my two "wild" children were tigers for halloween.  it is also probably equally appropriate that i dressed as a cat and dave was the tiger tamer.  i'm certain he has to tame more than his share of wildness with our two active boys and me as a wife.  

for the first time in will's three halloween existences, he discovered the secret.  the secret that is i can walk up to any house and utter three words and people will give me candy.  as this unfathomable concept began to sink in, he increased his cadence from a walk to a jog.  as mania further set it, he preempted the customary, "trick or treat" with "hi, i'm will," "i'm a tiger," "are you having a nice day," and "it is such a beautiful evening." he is now somewhat confused why everyday isn't halloween as it is such an amazing idea.  he is already planning for next year.

i also discovered a new halloween epiphany. children aren't the only ones who like to dress up as something or someone else.  halloween is the one day of the year that we adults can forget about our sometimes mundane lives, laundry, bills, and stresses to become something else for a day.  respite for a day in the guise of a children's holiday.  we'll take what we can get.  

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Morlan 4 in Denver

Update on the Morlan 4 in Denver....
Dave- 31 years student....pastor at fellowshipdenver ( tired....great dad.....trying to take up running.....falling in love with the rockies (team and mountains)....under the umbrella is his getting a great occasionally absent minded.....has a strange nickname.....rides his bike to work......
Renee-32 years old.......loves her three boys......loves her new job at the children's starting to feel at home in Denver.....likes to run on cold nights in denver down 7th avenue......loves thai food......has a new convection oven and doesn't know what that means......enjoys the cherry creek trail alone with her i-pod......
Will-3 1/2 years old......lives up to his name well as he has a strong obsessed with the toy section at infatuated with a girl name Kalena......makes his mother scream and melt in the span of 10 minutes......loves destruction and making messes......approaches life with great enthusiasm.......uses SAT words........has big blue eyes......loves a dog named Henry......
Ian- 11 months old......keeps us laughing.......says dog dog, dadada, mama, night-night, and tata.........likes to salute like Hitler......likes to climb stairs.........doesn't like being left in the church nursery.......has one of the sweetest faces i've ever seen......loves his big brother......will eat anything including tofu........has six systematically chewing down his bed rail......

Family 5280 Maiden Voyage

with the somewhat abrupt realization that my family is aging daily and that it is highly unlikely that my nuclear and extended family will live less than 2000 miles away, i wanted to create a venue that would allow them to view, laugh, cry, and sigh along with us as time marches by in the always adventurous lives of the denver morlans. please stop by often to read about the often calamitous events that encompass our lives and journey along with us as we endeavor to raise two active boys while attempting to keep our lives interesting. this blog is dedicated to my mom, dad, janna, and allison whom i wish desperately lived around the corner.